Vegan MoFo Day 3: Copycat Trail Mix by Silas

3 Oct

Day 3.

Silas loves the trail mix that comes in the sunbutter gopicnic box, it’s made by Enjoy Life.  It’s a nut-free, gluten-free mix full of fruits and seeds called Mountain Mambo.

After inhaling his gopicnic box,  he was craving this stuff.  We can’t find it here in town (or at least I can’t!), so one day at the store he pointed to an obviously not vegan trail mix and told me “That has animals parts in it so it’s not for us but we can make our kind in our kitchen”.  It was the first time he identified something as not vegan on his own and the first time he suggested we veganize something.  So proud!   I let him choose ingredients himself, with a bit of help, and he basically copied the Mountain Mambo.

Silas’ Trail Mix:

Sunflower seeds



dried cranberries

chocolate chips

I should capitalize and bold print the chocolate chips and pepitas, based on the jumping up and down with excitement this kid did over them.  Still, we’re enjoying the “PEPITAS MOMMY!  PEPITAS!”.

3 Responses to “Vegan MoFo Day 3: Copycat Trail Mix by Silas”

  1. mihl October 4, 2012 at 7:13 AM #

    Your kid is so awesome!

  2. Carrie October 4, 2012 at 7:38 AM #

    So cute, I love the jumping up and down about pepitas. Sounds like an awesome trailmix to me!

  3. Mo October 4, 2012 at 2:05 PM #

    Omigod. Silas is so freaking cute!

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