Archive | September, 2012

Vegan MOFO is coming!

26 Sep


The Vegan Month of Food is almost here and I’ll be dredging my blogging skills back up for another round.  I’m really excited to be doing a loose theme of Cooking with Kids!  My almost 4 year old, Silas,  is really interesting in cooking and it’s bringing back lots of memories from teaching my eldest son (now 13) how to cook and enjoy vegan food.  His old blog Vegan Kid is full of our adventures.  Shae’s still vegan and still loves to cook, but is more interested in the eating part these days.

We’ll also be planning Silas’ 4th birthday party, taking 3 weekend trips for Shae’s soccer tournaments and enjoying Halloween this month.  Lots of fun food adventures to navigate through with my vegan kiddos.  Can’t wait to share them with you!